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The company KRON LAB d.o.o., as the Data Controller, for the purpose of full compliance with Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, abbreviated GDPR, adopts and publishes this privacy policy.

The company KRON LAB d.o.o. recognizes the importance of privacy, security and data protection for users of our services and all persons who come into contact with us, therefore our goal is to ensure protection for all our procedures and to implement consistent regulations and procedures.

This Privacy Policy statement informs you about our protection procedures and options for choosing how to collect and use data about you.

This Privacy Policy statement applies to all KRON LAB d.o.o. websites, domains, services, applications and products, as well as to all our employees.

We comply with all GDPR obligations in our business, so we recommend that you read these rules carefully to understand how we will handle your personal data.

The purpose of collecting personal data

- processing your order, processing your inquiry, communicating with you, sending newsletters, applying for employment, etc.

The company KRON LAB d.o.o. collects and processes your personal data necessary for efficient business, use of our products/services and to provide you with a pleasant user experience. You provide us with some of this data directly, for example, data in correspondence via phone, e-mail or in another way, by filling out the contact form for sending inquiries, by filling out the form for signing up for the Newsletter.

What personal data we collect

The personal information you provide to us may include items such as your first and last name, address, email address, phone number, company name, job title, IP address

Duration of the Privacy Policy and adherence to reliability requirements

At the moment of submitting your data, you agree to contact us and thereby give us the right to process your personal data in accordance with the indicated purpose.

The protection of the privacy of your data is permanent, except in exceptional cases provided by the GDPR Regulation.

When collecting data, we respect your right to "reduce the amount of data", that is, we only collect personal data that is necessary in relation to the purpose for which we collect it.

We collect and process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR Regulation. We will store the collected data in an appropriate manner and fully ensure their confidentiality.

We will not forward the collected data to third parties without your express permission.

The company KRON LAB d.o.o. is not responsible for an accidental error or an error due to force majeure or other objective circumstances that cause an accidental violation of the guaranteed protection of your data, but undertakes to eliminate the error in the shortest possible time.

When processing some special categories of personal data that help us improve our products and provide our services, we collect them with regard to "legitimate interests" as the lawful basis for such processing. This includes the automatic collection and use of personal data such as technical information (eg the device you use, operating system, browser type, information about your session).

Method of using personal data

We may use your personal data:

- for business and execution of the contract concluded between you and us;

- to fulfill your requests;

- for the purpose of providing information about the products and services you request from us;

- for the purpose of making contact in order to send certain information about our products/services;

When we collect your personal data, you can freely declare if you do not want your personal data to be used for marketing activities.

We share data with third parties when we are required to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with a legal obligation, in response to legal proceedings or to protect the rights, property or safety of KRON LAB d.o.o., our users or others. Under these conditions, the company KRON LAB d.o.o. will reveal the requested information. The controller will ensure that such a request is legitimately determined.

Storage of personal data

We keep personal data in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected and do not keep them longer than necessary.

We may retain your personal data as necessary for the purposes of the activities listed above.

If you want to request that we no longer use your personal data, contact us at, the authorized person of the Data Controller Gordana Šoštarić.

Adherence to the principles of security of personal data processing

The security of all personal data is very important to us, and for this purpose, during the entire process of processing them, we adhere to the Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Data, which is fully in accordance with the relevant regulations.

We use all necessary procedures and advanced security features to prevent unauthorized access and theft.

No process of transmission via the Internet or various methods of electronic storage is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee absolute security.

If for certain parts of our products/services you use login data, for example a password that allows you to access certain parts of the product/service, you are responsible for keeping the password.

Our websites may contain links to third party websites. If you follow a link to any of those sites, you should be aware that those websites have their own privacy policies and that we accept no responsibility or liability for those policies. We advise you to carefully read the privacy policy of each website you visit.

Rights of respondents
Your rights regarding the handling of your personal data are:

- The right to access the personal data we keep about you;
- The right to access the personal data we keep about you;
- The right to correct incorrect personal data relating to you;
- Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten");
- The right to object to the use of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing;
- The right to limit the processing of your personal data, including automated decision-making and profiling;
- The right to object to the processing of personal data;
- The right to portability of personal data;

The aforementioned rights are exercised by contacting us at, the authorized person of the data controller Gordana Šoštarić. Upon receipt of the email, we will send you a request form that you need to fill out in order to proceed with the resolution of the request. Each request will be answered within one month from the date of receipt of your written request.

Changes to the privacy policy

We will post any changes to this privacy policy on our website.

COOKIES and similar technologies

The company KRON LAB d.o.o. uses cookies and similar technologies. We use cookies on this website to improve your browsing experience and website functionality. Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your computer and are used by your web browser. Cookies do not contain personal data. You can control your cookie settings in your web browser.

Whenever you access a website, information such as browser, number of visits, average time spent on the website is automatically recorded. We use this information to measure the attractiveness of our website and improve its content. Your data is not subject to further processing and is not forwarded to third parties. Cookies enable us, among other things, to record your selections, provide advertising based on your interests. To control cookies and similar technologies, you have a number of tools at your disposal, including browser controls for blocking and deleting cookies.

In Zagreb, on May 24, 2018

Nova Cesta 83, 10110 ZAGREB
Phone: +385 (98) 723975
KRONLAB d.o.o. OIB: 68784650087
IBAN: HR9423400091110559879 (PBZ),