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The woman business

The woman business

Gordana Šoštarić, Master of Pharmacy and owner of the KRON brand

Diversity is our virtue

Master of Pharmacy Gordana Šoštarić is responsible for the recipe, as well as the success of one of the most famous and longest-running Croatian restaurants - KRON. He points out that the most important thing for success is to realize that the power of creation is a priceless gift that we all possess.

What motivated you in your life choice – pharmacy?

I wanted to help people, and pharmacy, with its ability to create preparations, combines the power of healing, but also the creation of new preparations and research work. I started my life's journey in high school, inspired by the words of my teacher who said that every day when you wake up, you have the opportunity to shape yourself to become the kind of people you admire. I have always loved nature and found in it something much more than relaxation. I felt a strong connection and feeling of merging with everything that surrounds us. This fulfillment of spirit has always made me free to bring my ideas and desire to help people into reality. I think that each of us has some qualities from birth that we can show during our life and then we say that a person has had a fulfilled life. Conversely, if we don't listen to our intuition or that small voice that whispers to us what is the right thing to do, we feel empty - despite all the material
with the things and wealth we own.

How to stand out as a family company in the market of cosmetic products, which is dominated by big brands?

Our preparations have been serving men, women and children for 23 years, regardless of age and the reasons for which their hair falls out, to accelerate its growth and prevent it from falling out very quickly, every day. The cessation of hair loss is already visible after seven days. No more brush hairs falling out, which is the first and most important step for thinning or weak hair. Second, redness, itching or dandruff also disappear within a week, and new hair can be seen within three weeks. It is permanent, and the effect is visibly thicker hair. The result of such action can be attributed to the use of natural herbs from our climate, without the addition of any preservatives, colors or fragrances, and to the use of medically pure alcohol for the extraction of plants. In this way, with the synergy of the selected ingredients, we have created a very powerful Lotion KRON, which is applied daily by spraying on the scalp and is not rinsed off. The result is fantastic - we got a preparation that works proven in laboratory conditions on blood circulation in the scalp, thus strengthening the hair root and encouraging it to grow. Additionally, we recommend using shampoo and conditioner from the same line, because sometimes various synthetic additives in the preparations can cause hair loss. Unfortunately, very often synthetically made plant products are used in preparations and as such they are much cheaper, but they really do not have the ability to act through enzymes and minerals that are abundant and work in natural organic preparations. In this way, we, in consultation with the leading expert in hair transplantation, Dr. med. Siniša Glumičić created a unique Croatian product that has been successfully on the shelves of dm and BIPA since they entered the market of our country. We are extremely proud of our work and grateful to be able to say that even though we are small, we compete with big global companies because we have given people what they need. Natural, fast, effective and visible action immediately after application.

What was the most difficult thing for you in your career?

The most difficult thing in my career, but also the most important thing in this process, was the realization for me - in order to create the reality I dream of, I have to step outside my comfort zone and be brave enough to look for a new opportunity and direction in life.

What is the most important lesson you have learned in the process of running your own business?

Through the process of running my own company, I learned to follow my instincts and intuition, which helped me realize my dreams with faith and positive vibes, and I never give up on them, despite all the difficulties.

Nova Cesta 83, 10110 ZAGREB
Phone: +385 (98) 723975
KRONLAB d.o.o. OIB: 68784650087
IBAN: HR9423400091110559879 (PBZ),